January 6, 2021

How To Apply Self Disinfecting Coating On Door Knobs?

How To Apply Self Disinfecting Coating On Door Knobs? You should clean the touched surfaces to prevent the spreading of the virus. They are responsible for the transmission of the flu virus, cold, Norovirus, E. coli at your house. The door handles and doorknobs are a few of the most touched objects. Every day, grime, dirt, and invisible bacteria get accumulated on them. Hence, people need to disinfectant the door handles. You can prohibit the growth of the virus by disinfecting those surfaces regularly. You should ensure to clean them at least twice every month to prevent flu-like symptoms. This article comprises […]
December 16, 2020

How Long Does Self-Disinfecting Coating Last?

How Long Does Self-Disinfecting Coating Last? The world is now facing the challenge of the pandemic attack due to the spreading of life-threatening Coronavirus. Due to that, the whole world is totally stopped and faced a lot of trouble. Now the whole world is trying to get back to normal life. The people of the whole world try to figure out some solutions to fight against Covid-19. Nowadays, masks and sanitizers are the most important things for all of us. We should not step out without these things. Frequent hand wash is also mandatory. But apart from this, people now […]
November 16, 2020

4 Things to Know About SDST Self-Disinfecting Coating

4 Things to Know About SDST Self-Disinfecting Coating – The COVID-19 has made a lot of people paranoid. Some medical experts say that it remains on the surface after an infected person touches it. The good news is that SDST is being applied to surfaces that are commonly being touched by people. For example, commercial buildings are applying the self-disinfecting coating on elevator buttons ever since offices have opened again in the country. After looking at a reliable SDST self-disinfecting coating review, we have learned a lot of great things about this product. In fact, it will be heavily involved […]
November 11, 2020

Can I Apply Self Disinfectant Coating On Keyboard And Mouse?

Can I Apply Self Disinfectant Coating On Keyboard And Mouse? Keyboards and mouse are some of the computer peripherals that we use and come into contact with daily. With the advent of the pandemic, it has now become very necessary for individuals to disinfect these devices as we touch them every day. Cleaning and disinfecting these computer peripherals can prevent the transmission of COVID-19. To provide your mouse and keyboard a self disinfectant coating is very necessary to have the following items: A piece of clean cloth Alcohol-based disinfectant containing at least 70% alcohol. Can of compressed air A sharp object like a toothpick or nooks to remove grimes. […]
November 6, 2020

Can I Apply Self Disinfectant Coating On Metal Or Glass Surface?

Can I Apply Self Disinfectant Coating On Metal Or Glass Surface? The need for extensive use of disinfectants and is being felt by millions of people across the world. This is because of the pandemic called Covid-19. Even as we read this article, it is quite possible that the world may be witnessing thousands of deaths across dozens of countries. It is a dangerous virus that spreads like wildfire. Covid-19 is spread mainly through droplets from infected persons as they sneeze or cough. The droplets are heavy and therefore they at best can travel for a distance of two meters. […]
November 4, 2020

What Is Antimicrobial Coating And Is It Useful?

What Is Antimicrobial Coating And Is It Useful? If you look around and do some research, you will come to know that the antimicrobial coating industry is growing quite impressively. It is expected that it could be a billion-dollar industry. There are some valid reasons for this. There are increasing numbers of customers who are moving towards antimicrobial coating. This because this special type of coating could stop the growth of germs, bacteria, and other microorganisms on various surfaces. The growth is happening across the board, though the growth is more pronounced in the healthcare segment. So, what is an antimicrobial coating, […]
October 16, 2020

How Does Antimicrobial Coating Work?

Wondering how does antimicrobial coating work? Recently, there has been a sharp rise in the use of antimicrobial coatings, and the entire industry has been expanding rapidly. Antimicrobial coating hinders the growth of bacteria and germs on surfaces of various types. The Healthcare sector has seen the highest growth as well as demand for antimicrobial coating. Antimicrobial Coating Technology is probably the most effective means of controlling infection in the healthcare sector without having to compromise on the care of the patient. Before moving on to understand how antimicrobial coating works, let us first understand why antimicrobial coating is important. […]
October 8, 2020

Why Choose Us as Your Self Disinfecting Coating Provider

Why choose us as your self disinfecting coating provider? No matter how clean we keep our homes, offices, and facilities, we every day come into contact with germs. Germs can be anything from pathogenic bacteria to viruses that cause illness. Every surface we touch in a public place is more likely to have these germs. Some are harmless, but the majority of them are not. Pathogenic bacteria, such as E.coli, Salmonella, Mycobacterium, Legionella, and Staphylococcus (Staph), are known to cause different severe illnesses. One of the main ways we contract some of these pathogenic microorganisms is via touching surfaces that […]
September 28, 2020
Self disinfection coating

How to Apply Self Disinfectant Coating?

Public places are an integral source of virus outbreaks. They are also responsible for the spread of infectious diseases. Hence, it is necessary to opt for infection control measures to prevent the spread of the virus. The self disinfecting coating protects from fungi, bacteria, and viruses. Prevention is always better than cure. So, disinfecting different surfaces in-home will help to fight the deadly virus. Disinfection of different environmental surfaces can interrupt the growth of the viruses. You cannot ignore the importance of traditional manual cleaning. But, the latest disinfection practices lend a helping hand to keep the environment safer. They […]
August 31, 2020

Mistakes to Avoid When Applying Self-Disinfecting Coating

What are the mistakes to avoid when applying self-disinfecting coating? It is always the wish of every person to stay in a place free of viruses and germs. This is the reason that has seen millions of people opting for the self-disinfecting coating. The coating has been applied in most places in the offices that are frequently touched by vast workers. The self-disinfecting coating is also safe and helps to save on cost. This is because it can stay for up to three months before applying another. Due to this, most companies and organizations have opted for this. Nevertheless, people are making a great mistake, which is […]